Autism Solutions Academy is hosting the third annual Inclusion Matters Gala on May 2, 2025. The evening will include a catered dinner, keynote speaker Levi Harris (Utah based film director who casts neurodiverse actors), and an auction. This year we are pleased to share that we will have national and international trips as part of our auction items!
100% of donations will go towards the Autism Solutions Academy Scholarship Fund, which helps us continually offer the best possible education to all our students.
Autism Solutions Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit school in Utah with locations in Salt Lake and Davis counties. We are a thriving private school for autistic children and youth. We primarily serve ages 3-18. Classes are no larger than 10 students, and students receive 1:1 support from therapists. Our program can mean the difference between a child never learning to read and learning to read now, so they can thrive academically as they grow. Autism Solutions Academy strives to incorporate the community in our efforts, so we regularly have visitors like museums, petting zoos, artists, and characters come work with our students.
Will you consider joining our mission this year by attending the third annual Inclusion Matters Gala?