Our Business Affiliates partner with UNA out of a commitment to serving and assisting nonprofits. While this dedication is commendable, we recommend that you complete your own review to ensure that the goals of these—or any—businesses align with your values. Your due diligence helps ensure informed decision-making and fosters productive partnerships.

Dentist Direct Dental Plans
Insurance and Risk Management
You can Save up to 20% on Dental and Vision Coverage through the UNA plans administered by Dentist DIRECT
UNA plans have not experienced an increase in multiple years! That means in addition to lower rates, Dentist DIRECT can provide Financial Stability when it comes to your Dental and Vision benefits.
Dentist DIRECT is an “A Rated” Utah based company providing local personalized service to our customers. They provide customized dental solutions for all size companies with access to 3,100+ local and 285,000+ national dental providers.
Below are the rates and benefits.
- Customizable Dental Plans
- $1,000 - $3,000 Ortho Benefit Options (5+ Enrolled)
- Annual Maximum Carryover Benefit
$1,000 Annual Max (Year 1)
$500 Threshold
$250 Carryover
$1,250 Annual Max (Year 2)
Carryover Max (Up to $2,000) - Eye Med Vision (Consolidate Billing, Enrollment & One ID Card for Dental and Vision) www.eyemed.com
- Employee Navigator (Enhanced Carrier Integration Partnership) www.employeenavigator.com
- Pro Smile (On-Site Preventative Dental Care & 20% Savings) www.prosmiles.com
- Goby Electric Toothbrushes (Exclusive Discount) www.goby.co
Request a Quote Today by contacting Bart Tapp at bart@usdentistdirect.com or at (801) 556-6105.
Membership Type
Business Affiliate - Supporter