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Utah Recycling Alliance Board Member

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Utah Recycling Alliance Board Member

Ongoing Opportunity

The Utah Recycling Alliance seeks passionate Utah-based individuals to serve on their Board of Directors. Founded in 2011, URA’s mission is to inspire and empower people, organizations, and communities across Utah to embrace a zero waste culture. This mission is achieved through educational and waste reduction events through the community, including Collection of Hard to Recycle Materials events (CHaRMs), Fix-it Clinics, and Trash Talks. We are seeking board members with a variety of skills and passions to bring new, creative ideas to the organization. Specifically, we are seeking individuals with skills in development, marketing/communications, law, grant writing/administration, and environmental education. Please see the description below for specifics on board duties and responsibilities.

General Board Member Responsibilities:

-Serve for a two (2) year term, with the ability to apply for reelection.

-Be an active contributor to board discussions, committed to achieving consensus and come to meetings prepared.

-Strive to attend 85% of monthly Board meetings and all strategic planning meetings. Come prepared for meetings by reviewing previous meeting’s minutes, reviewing committee reports, reviewing financials and agenda.

-Attend all Board sub-committee meetings related to your committee obligations. Provide summary and updates of sub-committee efforts at monthly board meetings and obtain board approval for all sub-committee efforts.

-Actively promote URA events, materials, or newsletters to social/professional networks.

-Select, review and provide performance reviews as appropriate for staff leadership.

-Actively participate on a URA committee.

-Help as often as possible at events and a minimum of two URA headline events per year.

-Actively participate in identifying and recruiting new board members for elections.

-Actively participate in one or more fundraising events per year.

-URA Board Members will consider the URA a philanthropic priority. This includes considering us with your employer gift matching programs, looking out for grants and funding asks throughout your daily life, sharing our vision and mission with those in your circles. The URA expects to have 100 percent of Board Members make an annual contribution that is commensurate with their capacity.

-Work with the whole Board on larger issues and financial supervision. 

-Complete a Conflict of Interest Form at the beginning of each board year. 

-Respond to all URA emails and voicemails in a timely manner; be able and willing to access all URA documents via online shared accounts.

-Be familiar with the URA Bylaws and attend to other duties specified in Bylaws.

Legal Duties of Board Members:

Duty of Care: Take care of the URA by ensuring prudent use of all assets, including facility, people, and goodwill; provide oversight for all activities that advance the URA’s effectiveness and sustainability.

Duty of Loyalty: Ensure that the URA’s activities and transactions are, first and foremost, advancing its mission. Make decisions in the best interest of the URA, not in the best interest of yourself or in the interest of another organization or individual.

Duty of Obedience: Ensure that the URA complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws acting in accordance with ethical practices, and adheres and remains committed to its established mission.

To apply:

If you are interested in board membership, please email a resume, a statement of interest in the position, and any relevant portfolio materials to with “Board Member Application” in the subject line. Questions about the position can also be directed to the above email address.

Additional Info

Organization Mission : The Utah Recycling Alliance empowers people, organizations and communities statewide to create a Zero Waste culture by building successful models and encouraging practices that promote reuse, recycling and resource conservation. ​

Volunteer Skills Desired : Art/Design, Computers/IT, Fundraising, Legal, Marketing/Communications, Human Resources, Advocacy/Community Outreach

Organization Cause Area : Environment, Conservation, and Beautification

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