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Northern UT & SW WY Chapter Board of Directors Committee Member
The NO UT & SW WY Chapter is looking for community volunteers to join the board committees. There are 5 committees as follows:
Mission Committee Job Description:
The purpose of the Mission Committee to support strategic volunteer recruitment beyond the
recruitment of board members. This leadership position helps identify leadership needs and
assists in recruiting volunteer leaders, including Community Volunteer Leaders (CVL).
The Mission Committee will:
● Coordinate and collaborate with regional leaders from all lines of business to identify
needs of the region and community.
● Create targeted recruitment and engagement strategies to address identified needs.
● Facilitate Opportunities for mission service delivery.
● Work to educate the full board on all lines of service.
● Identify ways the committee can connect lines of services to resources that will help
them achieve goals.
● Work to get the board engaged with the mission. Work to identify events for chapter to
The Mission Committee will focus on the following goals this year:
Increase the number of Committee Members by minimum of seven
Work in coordination with the Board Development Committee
Complete Quarterly Volunteer Survey Phone Calls
Use this as a touch point with volunteers, learn about their experience and encourage them to
complete the quarterly survey.
Determine actions to enhance volunteer engagement and satisfaction
Lead and support preparedness efforts in the chapter (including Sound the Alarm)
Discuss ideas for board-led events where we can connect directly with the mission: home fire
campaign, youth preparedness, be red cross ready, hands-only CPR, mass care activities, how
the board can assist during a disaster, etc.
Identify events and activities to continue pushing the mission forward
Tabling and community events supporting five lines of services. Specifically focused on
recruiting volunteers. We've determined universities and colleges to be an excellent place to
Committee Meetings will Occur Bi-Monthly: December, February, April and June. Schedule to be
communicated by the Committee Chair.
The Philanthropy Committee Job Description
The purpose of the Philanthropy Committee is to develop and implement fund-raising plans and
strategies to achieve revenue targets.
Philanthropy Committee members will:
● 1. Review chapter fund-raising plans and recommend strategic activities to maximize the
chapter’s potential to raise funds.
● 2. Leverage their network of personal and professional associates to identify, cultivate,
and steward potential and existing donors
● of influence and affluence.
● 3. Establish sub-committees focused on the individual, corporate, and foundation donor
● 4. Support special events.
● 5. Lead by example with an annual financial donation that is their best gift to set the
standard for Board giving in their community.
● 6. Be ambassadors of the entire American Red Cross mission within the community
● The strategic vision for our Biomed Committee is to help maintain an adequate blood
supply in the chapter by leading the board’s efforts in securing new blood drive
sponsors, strengthening existing sponsor relationships, recruiting blood donors, and
serving as ambassadors of the importance of blood donations in our community.
Philanthropy Committee Members:
The Philanthropy Committee will focus on the following goals this year:
● Determine strong connections for fundraising accounts needing support by
working with Paid Staff, Board of Directors and Committee Members.
● Set up activities to further steward and recognize current donors.
○ Donor recognition event by July 1, 2024. Utilize the AnnualMeeting/Celebration in
June 2024 to recognize further.
● Support the Board of Directors in bringing in $25,000
○ Develop a plan for a board-hosted fundraiser.
Committee Meetings will Occur Bi-Monthly: December, February, April and June. Schedule to be
communicated by the Committee Chair.
Biomedical Committee Job Description:
The purpose of the Biomedical Committee is to secure and influence blood drive sponsors and
customers (hospitals) that support local needs. Identify leadership requirements and assist in
soliciting blood drive sponsors and customers. Educate communities during blood drive critical
times of the year.
The Biomedical Committee will be responsible to partner with the Executive Director and
Biomed District Managers to:
● Coordinate and collaborate with regional leaders (paid and unpaid) from Biomed to
identify needs of the region and community; and, maintain successful and strong
hospital relationships where Red Cross does business and seeks opportunity to expand
the delivery of ARC blood and blood products to new hospital customers.
● Create targeted blood drive sponsor recruitment and engagement strategies to address
those needs and lead the board’s strategies and efforts to secure and increase blood
● Assist in blood drive sponsor recruitment and referring of prospective leadership
volunteers to the American Red Cross which are inclusive and represent the
demographics of the community.
● Assist in the education of other board members and community members to the
importance of blood collection throughout the year and especially in critical times of
● Maintain appropriate level of communication with the RE/COO/ED and Biomed Leads to
understand Biomed priorities and needs and ensure successful integration and
engagement of sponsors and customers to support mission delivery.
● Promote and facilitate opportunities within an assigned geography.
● Leverage social capital and relationships to expand local Red Cross missions in support
of regional goals and objectives.
● Maintain appropriate level of communication with Biomed Leads.
The strategic vision for our Biomed Committee is to help maintain an adequate blood supply in
the chapter by leading the board’s efforts in securing new blood drive sponsors, strengthening
existing sponsor relationships, recruiting blood donors, and serving as ambassadors of the
importance of blood donations in our community.
The Biomedical Committee will focus on the following goals this year:
1. Help the broader Northern District achieve its annual collection goal by supporting
focus priority accounts and recruiting additional blood drive sponsors. (The goal of
51,753 units from community blood drives and 30,286 units from donation centers is
shared with the Greater Salt Lake Area Chapter)
● This can be accomplished by: Encourage and incentivize board members to become
regular blood donors throughout the year. Each committee member chooses one or
more of our priority accounts to directly participate in strengthening the biomedical
relationship and building or maintaining their commitment to blood drives. Each
committee member completes at least one of the following engagement opportunities:
Register blood donors at a blood drive , Attend and thank donors at a blood drive.
Identify a new blood drive sponsor and introduce the ED, with a focus on partnership
with a minority group or organization. Make arrangements for All board members,
starting with the Biomed Committee, to tour Murray's Red Cross blood donation and
processing center. All board members, starting with the Biomed Committee, complete
Red Cross’ “Blood Services Overview” training to get a baseline understanding of our
biomedical services (a short 12-minute online course).
2. Hold at least two board-sponsored blood drives that collect 100% of the goal of 30 or
more units of blood.
● Work with Staff Support to organize and arrange.
Committee Meetings will Occur Bi-Monthly: December, February, April and June. Schedule to be
communicated by the Committee Chair.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Job Description:
The purpose of the DEI Committee is to:
● Advise the Board and the Executive Leadership on strategic issues brought before the
Committee regarding diversity and inclusiveness and foster exemplary diversity
initiatives and partnerships at the American Red Cross.
● The work and activity of this committee will assist in more excellent mission delivery and
increased growth in our workforce and capacity.
● The work of Board Diversity and Inclusion Committees includes informing and educating
the workforce and providing support for accepting and respecting various racial, cultural,
societal, geographic, economic, and political backgrounds.
● Simply having a diverse workforce is no longer enough. For the American Red Cross to
succeed in our mission of compassion and service, we must not only meet the needs of
a multifaceted society but also respect and welcome different cultures, ideas, and
● A more diverse and inclusive workforce broadens our ability as a humanitarian
organization to meet the needs of the communities we serve and promotes
understanding, compassion, and sensitivity in how we respond.
● The Committee is also a forum to promote diversity and share best practices and
information on diverse topics related to Red Cross business imperatives and its mission.
Diversity Vision Statement: The American Red Cross exists to help everyone everywhere
across the United States. We seek to understand and embrace the communities we serve. We
aspire to be an organization fully committed to diversity and inclusion by creating and
maintaining a diverse, high-performing workforce. Cultivating a collaborative, inclusive, and
respectful work environment that empowers all contributors and leveraging diverse partnerships
helps to ensure culturally competent service delivery supported by effective community
leadership and engagement.
DEI Committee Members:
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee will focus on the following goals this year:
● Continue building partnerships with diverse community groups.
○ Actions Necessary for success: Recruit Spanish volunteers to support mission
and outreach. Identify organizations and businesses to build partnerships with.
Identify community engagement events the Red Cross can participate in.
● Enhance Black outreach for future blood donor activity.
○ Reach out to NAACP/Black Chamber/Faith-based groups, black-owned
businesses, etc.
● Engage with School District Hispanic/Latino Outreach in communities with the
support of Red Cross programs.
● Enhance activity with LGBTQIA+ groups to further the mission with these groups.
● Develop a plan to build the Cruz Roja group of the chapter.
○ The American Red Cross Hispanic Outreach Program (Cruz Roja) has the goal
to teach, prepare and assist the Hispanic community in the face of emergencies
and disasters. They teach all Red Cross certified materials in Spanish and
English to interested community members. They also participate in Home Fire
Campaigns where they go door to door offering free installation of smoke
detectors and teach fire safety. BYU has an excellent Cruz Roja group. We would
like to bring that same program to Weber State and/or Utah State.
Committee Meetings will Occur Bi-Monthly: December, February, April and June. Schedule to be
communicated by the Committee Chair.
The Board Development Committee Description’
The Board Development Committee will be directly involved in the chapter board membership's
recruitment, orientation, retention, and ongoing development. This committee directly interfaces
with the chapter Executive, Philanthropy Committee Chair, and development staff to support the
advancement of the American Red Cross.
The Board Development Committee will support the process of identifying, recruiting, and
evaluating candidates for board membership and committee membership who:
● Are passionate leaders who desire to make an impact on the community.
● Will partner with Red Cross leadership at the local level.
● Will focus outwardly into the community to effectively mobilize resources around the
Red Cross mission.
● Represent the cultural profile and diversity of the community the chapter serves.
The Board Development Committee will also:
● Periodically evaluate the current chapter board makeup for effectiveness and recruit
new members according to the chapter board needs, area of expertise desired and/or
connection to the community.
● Partner with the chapter executive to develop a comprehensive chapter board
orientation and training plan and communicate regularly with the new chapter board
members to ensure they are:
○ Engaged in the Red Cross mission.
○ Knowledgeable about programs and services.
○ The “Face of the Red Cross” in the community.
○ Raising funds to achieve the chapter revenue target.
● Develop and conduct a chapter board self-assessment annually or as needed
The Board Development Committee's ultimate objective will be to recruit Red Crossers to join the
committees. Here are our goals this year:
● Help identify volunteers to join the Board Committees (Five Committee Total) (10
minimum, 20 maximum)
● Build Board capacity up to 15 members. (Currently at 12 Members)
Committee Meetings will Occur Bi-Monthly: December, February, April and June. Schedule to be
communicated by the Committee Chair

Additional Info
Job Type : Volunteer
Organization Mission : The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the largest humanitarian network in the world. Its mission is to alleviate human suffering, protect life and health, and uphold human dignity, especially during armed conflicts and other emergencies.
DEI/Nondiscrimination Statement : We strive to ensure that diverse talent is reflected throughout the Red Cross employee and volunteer workforce and we are transparent about our progress toward our diversity, equity and inclusion goals. We champion equal opportunity for all and foster a workplace that is safe and free from harassment, intimidation and discrimination. We work to create a culture of belonging that acknowledges and appreciates all talents and backgrounds, and received recognition for our efforts.
Job Location : NOUT & SWWY
Work Model : Remote
Compensation Type : Unpaid (Volunteer/Intern)
Job Status : Other
Pay Range : volunteer